I recently installed rook as the storage provider for my kubernetes cluster, managed by ArgoCD. On first use of trying to provision a PVC, I came across a small issue which proved difficult to diagnose, but easy to fix. Hopefully this post is favoured by the search index gods, and finds its way to some poor sap facing the same issue to help.
The initial symptom# A new PVC is created, and stays perpetually in “Pending state”
A Desipient Blog
Random musings on various technical trivia by a tinkering homelabber.
In the process of updating my ingress-nginx controllers to a ArgoCD application on my k8s cluster, I found myself needing to have multiple instances running within a single namespace and Argo application. OK, maybe I didn’t need to, but my sense of organisation needed to…
Of course, the first go at setting this up was to add an Argo application sourcing the helm chart twice, and basically copy-pasting the helm values from the FAQ specifically about installing multiple instances within the same namespace for the second instance.
Just a short post to provide some context around some upcoming posts.
Around a year ago, I set up a bare-metal(ish) kubernetes cluster pretty much from scratch using the kubeadm method. Installing and managing services on it has gone through a fairly predictable pattern for an educational cluster:
Started out with applying bare manifests Quickly moved on to installing services with helm charts Let it all sit happily for a while until charts get out-dated, and realise that remembering what charts are sitting around where is a PITA And so I’m currently in the process of migrating all the helm charts (and those few initial bare manifests) to be managed with Argo CD